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Five Ways to Treat Sensitive Teeth


Sensitive teeth can cause extreme pain and discomfort, and can even limit the types of food that people are able to eat. Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a number of factors, but is usually a sign of exposed roots where the enamel or gum tissue has been worn away.

Fortunately, there are a number of different treatment options available to people with sensitive teeth both at home and with the help of the professional dental staff at Biscayne Dental & Facial Aesthetics.

Here’s a look at five important treatments for sensitive teeth.

Change the Way You Brush – Most dentists agree that bad brushing habits are a primary cause of sensitive teeth. Using a soft bristle toothbrush and brushing gently are the most important factors in preserving the health of sensitive teeth and preventing any further damage. In many cases, overly aggressive brushing is the reason that the gum tissue and enamel have been damaged in the first place, so if those habits aren’t fixed, no treatment will be effective in the long term.

Specialty Toothpaste – Some major toothpaste companies now offer toothpaste with added minerals like calcium and phosphate made specifically for people who suffer from sensitive teeth. These minerals are often lost by tooth exposure to acid from foods and drinks we consume or from acid reflux disease. Things like sodas, sports drinks, strawberries, and tomatoes are very acidic and can cause demineralization on the teeth. Avoiding acidic foods and using toothpastes for sensitive teeth can go a long way in reducing tooth sensitivity.

Bite Adjustment – Teeth often become sensitive due to changes in the bite. If too much pressure is placed on any one tooth, these teeth can become sensitive. Excess pressure can come from clenching, grinding, or biting into something hard. If this occurs, avoid chewing on that side. If the sensitivity does not subside in a few days, visit your dentist so he can evaluate your bite and adjust it if necessary.

Bonding – In cases where the gum tissue, enamel and dentin have receded too far for fluoride treatments to be effective, a resin bond is another option. This process involves covering the exposed root and building a new barrier against any further damage with the use of a permanent resin. This process is more complex than fluoride treatments and may require a local anesthetic.

Root Canal – Long considered one of the most dreaded procedures in the dental world, the fact remains that the root canal is the single most effective way to treat sensitive teeth. This is a targeted procedure that treats the dental pulp within the teeth and prevents any further damage and pain due to exposure. Root canals are a long-term solution to be considered when other treatment methods have failed to produce desired results.

Sensitive teeth can be a sign of damaged gums and tooth enamel. It is important that people suffering from sensitivity take steps to treat their teeth to prevent any further pain, discomfort and damage.

Consult with a dental care professional, like those at Biscayne Dental & Facial Aesthetics, to get more information about treatment options and tips for how to properly brush teeth without causing any new damage.

Try several different treatment options before going ahead with a root canal, starting with changing toothpastes and regular fluoride treatments at your scheduled cleanings. If one method is not providing sufficient relief, work with your dentist to identify other options to try and always monitor the changes in dental health over time. A root canal is the final step to stop sensitivity once all other options have been exhausted.
